RSL Fiber Systems, LLC

RSL Fiber Systems, LLC


Fiber OpticsAdvanced Manufacturing

About Us

RSL Fiber Systems develops and manufactures fiber optic remote source lighting solutions for military and demanding industrial applications and fiber optic sensing systems for military and commercial markets. RSL was the first company to supply fiber optic lighting solutions to military ships addressing issues including maintenance costs, corrosion, electronic interference, and radar cross section, and transitioned many designs from military-focused developments into commercial markets to improve workers' safety and increasing productivity.
A portion of RSL’s development efforts were funded by the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research, by the National Shipbuilding Research Program, by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command through the SBIR program.
RSL has contracts for several R&D programs supporting the U.S. Navy efforts to modernize the fleet’s exterior lighting, to monitor the electrical power distribution system using fiber optic sensors, and to improve the reliability of the ship-wide fiber optic networks.
In addition, the company has an active internal R&D program, developing the next generation lighting using high efficiency LEDs and laser diodes to incorporate the capability for Li-Fi communications.


DDG 1001 under way from Bath, ME to San Diego (with RSL Topside Lights)
USS New York (with RSL Navigation Lights)
Italian FREMM Frigate (with RSL Navigation Lights)
Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Demonstration

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