Nassau Re/Imagine

Nassau Re/Imagine

About Us

Nassau Re/Imagine serves as incubator for companies intending to build a presence in Hartford. We actively support individuals and team committed to building a vibrant insurtech ecosystem in the heart of our insurance community. In return, we provide business resources, access to potential clients, support for product commercialization, and introductions to investors.

Companies who participate in our program want to solve large, frequent, and urgent problems in the life, annuity, property & casualty, reinsurance, and digital health markets. They come to Hartford because they recognize value of working in one of the strongest insurance clusters in the world. They bring valuable skills to our community and intend to create jobs in Connecticut as they succeed.

We do not take an equity stake in exchange for participation in our program and we do not charge for our services. We evaluate our success each year based on 1) startups attracted to Hartford; 2) proof-of-concepts launched with partners; 3) internships placed with startups; 4) full-time jobs created in Connecticut; and 5) investment raised by companies in our program.

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